About me.

Flux is the process of flowing in or flowing out; it’s continuous change. That perfectly describes the way I see life. I am either moving out of something or moving into something. I am constantly learning and growing, ever evolving, while navigating life’s changes with honesty and authenticity.

Where I’ve been.

Hi there! I am Ann. I have worked in communications and marketing for over 20 years and have focused on editing, leadership skills and personal growth over the past five years. I am also a student working on a master’s degree in professional creative writing.

Why I write.

I have used writing to express myself since I was a little girl. I loved writing stories and I have always had notebooks filled with thoughts, ideas and imagination.

Writing can be a healing process and provide insight to the struggles in our lives. I started the Inspire and Wander blog to share my experiences with the desire to help others.

Where I go.

I love to travel with my family every chance I get. Whether it is a weekend camping trip, spending several weeks at Disney, or whatever destination piques our interest, I am always planning the next escape. Did I mention I love to plan?

Within these pages, you will find reviews, planning advice and other tips encouraging you to get out and wander.

Who I am.

When I am not writing, or working my day job, I am playing games, watching the birds in the backyard or taking walks with my partner.

As a mother, I navigate (sometimes poorly) the phases of parenting as my child grows into an amazing, independent human.

I respect the privacy of others and I have chosen not to include images of my family so they can remain anonymous on the internet.

My goal is to inspire others to grow into their true, authentic self and live a life of joy.